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Product Flags Pro Module Help for MIVA Merchant v5

Module Template Layouts Explained

This module automatically installs and configures default feature settings, templates and required items. You can rename flag labels for each of the three flags to anything you want or provide a graphical image/icon for each. The default flags module automatically configures are "NEW", "FEATURED", "SPECIAL".

In order for the module features to function, you must incorporate provided Item Tokens or their variations into your store templates. Please see the Reference below for available tokens.

This page contains instructions and examples for quickly incorporating desired features into your store pages. HTML and template scripting knowledge is required to make template modifications. If you do not have these skills it is recommended you contact ADS representative to get assistance with template design and customization.

  • Module provides two ways of displaying the flagged products.
    • Include Flag text or icon(s) next to Product Name, Code, etc. This is usually done on Category, Product, Product List and Search pages. Please follow the instructions below on incorporating associated item tokens on these pages. You can also click on the Help link above for more detailed help.
      Click to ExpandFlag Text or Icon Items
      Insert the items below next to the &mvt:product:name; - "Product Name" entity in "Product Display Layout' }">" - PROD Page, "Category Product List Layout' }">" - CTGY Page, "Product List Layout' }">" - PLST page and "Search Results Layout' }">" - SRCH Page templates. Please make sure you do not place these items inside a Link Tag. See examples below.
      Example Linked Product Name:

      Example Unlinked Product Name:

    • Include a random/standard generated list for each of the three flags, listing either all of the flagged products or just the flagged products for a specific category. This is usually done on the Storefront, Category, Product or any other page you want these products displayed. You can also control the number of products to display in the list and the list layout. Please follow the instructions below on incorporating associated item tokens on these pages. You can also click on the Help link above for more detailed help.
      Click to ExpandFlagged Product List Display Items and Entities
      Use Item Tokens below to incorporate the Flagged Product List Display into the pages of your choice.

      Example Store Front and Other Page Items - Category Specific:
      Parameter field actually passes a set of parameters separated by a colon(:); template1, template2 and template3 call the associated flag template layouts. The number following the template is the number of products to display in the list. The "random" or "standard" parameter determines if the products are displayed randomly or in a standard order. The Category_Code is used to only display flagged products for specific Category.
      <mvt:item name="ads-prodflags" param="template1:3:random:Category_Code" />
      <mvt:item name="ads-prodflags" param="template2:3:random:Category_Code" />
      <mvt:item name="ads-prodflags" param="template3:3:random:Category_Code" />
      *** Replace the Category_Code above with your specific Category Code

      Example Store Front and Other Page Items - All Flagged Products:
      The template parameter starts with "all_" to indicate that all flagged products are to be displayed. Since we are looking to display all of the specifically flagged products, no Category_Code is included in the parameter set.
      <mvt:item name="ads-prodflags" param="all_template3:3:random" />
      <mvt:item name="ads-prodflags" param="all_template3:3:random" />
      <mvt:item name="ads-prodflags" param="all_template3:3:random" />

      Example Category and Product Page Items - Category Specific:
      When the items below are used in the Category and/or Product Page templates, the Category information is passed automatically by the Merchant system, so Category_Code parameter is not necessary and Category specific Flagged Products are displayed by default.
      <mvt:item name="ads-prodflags" param="template1:3:random" />
      <mvt:item name="ads-prodflags" param="template2:3:random" />
      <mvt:item name="ads-prodflags" param="template3:3:random" />

  • Module automatically installs a Flagged Product List Display Template, for each of three flag options, when it is first installed. These templates can be modified to meet your needs. The templates can be accessed by clicking on your store name, then ADS Product Flag Templates tab, at the top. These templates are reconfigured for a vertical display layout, but can be easily modified to display products horizontally or using a set number of columns. You can also customize what information is displayed and where it is displayed.
    Click to ExpandFlagged Product List Templates
    The module automatically generates an array of entities that can be accessed using "<mvt:foreach iterator="flag1_product" array="ads_flag1_products"></mvt:foreach>" structure.
    Here is a list of entities that are available in the Flagged Product List Display Templates:
    - flagx_product - where x is 1, 2 or 3 depending on the featured flag used
    &mvt:flagx_product:id; - Product ID
    &mvt:flagx_product:code; - Product Code
    &mvt:flagx_product:name; Product Name
    &mvt:flagx_product:thumbnail; Product Thumbnail
    &mvt:flagx_product:image; Product Image
    &mvt:flagx_product:cost; Product Cost
    &mvt:flagx_product:price; Unadjusted Product Price
    &mvt:flagx_product:adjusted_price; Adjusted Product Price
    &mvt:flag1_product:formatted_price; Adjusted Formatted Product Price
    &mvt:flag1_product:regular_formatted_price; Unadjusted Formatted Product Price
    &mvt:flag1_product:formatted_savings; Formatted Dollar Savings
    &mvt:flag1_product:formatted_percent_savings; Formatted Percent Savings
    &mvt:flag1_product:descrip - Product Description

    Flagged Product List Layout Template Example (Vertical Display):
    The templates that are pre-installed with the module are identical, except for flagx variations
    - where x is 1, 2 or 3 depending on the featured flag used.

    <mvt:if expr="NOT ISNULL l.settings:ads_flagx_products"><mvt:comment>If Flag Exists</mvt:comment>
    <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
    <tr align="center" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
    <td valign="top"><b><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Products</font></b></td>
    <tr align="center">
    <td valign="top" height="5"></td>
    <mvt:foreach iterator="flagx_product" array="ads_flagx_products"><mvt:comment> For Each loop through Product Array </mvt:comment>
    <td align="center" valign="top"><mvt:if expr="NOT ISNULL l.settings:flagx_product:thumbnail"><mvt:comment>If Product Thumbnail Exists - Display with Link</mvt:comment>
    <a href="&mvt:global:sessionurl;Screen=PROD&Store_Code=&mvta:store:code;&Product_Code=&mvta:flagx_product:code;&Category_Code=&mvta:category:code;"><img src="&mvte:flagx_product:thumbnail;" border=0 width="100"></a>
    <mvt:else> &nbsp; </mvt:if> </td>
    <td align="center" valign="top"> <mvt:item name="fonts" param="body_font">
    <a href="&mvt:global:sessionurl;Screen=PROD&Store_Code=&mvta:store:code;&Product_Code=&mvta:flagx_product:code;&Category_Code=&mvta:category:code;">&mvt:flagx_product:name;</a><br><mvt:comment>Display Product Name</mvt:comment>
    </mvt:item> </td>
    <td align="left" valign="top"> <mvt:item name="fonts" param="body_font">
    Code: <b>&mvt:flagx_product:code;</b><br><mvt:comment>Display Product Code</mvt:comment>
    Price: <b>&mvt:flagx_product:formatted_price;</b><br><mvt:comment>Display Formatted Product Price</mvt:comment>
    </mvt:item> </td>
    <td align="left" valign="top"><HR></td>

    NOTE: Optional Custom Product Field Implementation:

    Flag 1 template
    <mvt:foreach iterator="flag1_custprodfld" array="flag1_product:Custom_ProductFields">
    <mvt:if expr="NOT ISNULL l.settings:flag1_custprodfld:value">&mvt:flag1_custprodfld:name;: &mvt:flag1_custprodfld:value;<BR></mvt:if>

    Flag 2 template:
    <mvt:foreach iterator="flag1_custprodfld" array="flag2_product:Custom_ProductFields">
    <mvt:if expr="NOT ISNULL l.settings:flag2_custprodfld:value">&mvt:flag2_custprodfld:name;: &mvt:flag2_custprodfld:value;<BR></mvt:if>

    Flag 3 template:
    <mvt:foreach iterator="flag1_custprodfld" array="flag3_product:Custom_ProductFields">
    <mvt:if expr="NOT ISNULL l.settings:flag3_custprodfld:value">&mvt:flag1_custprodfld:name;: &mvt:flag3_custprodfld:value;<BR></mvt:if>

    The available tokens inside the foreach loop are:
    and l.settings:flag1_custprodfld:Value

    If you are looking to only display a specific field only, you can add an "AND l.settings:flag1_custprodfld:name EQ 'MSRP'" to the if statements, as an example.

    Names and Values can
    also be accessed as an aray variable directly, without the FOR loop:


    Where X is the number for the field in the array.

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