Take master control of your Product Attributes. This module is packed with features like menu-driven control of MIVA Merchant product attributes. You can control field attributes, prompt/image locations and options, multi-column radio attribute options, and much more. Module features are configurable using the menu-driven admin interface, Product Display Layout, Missing Attributes PATR Page, OUS1 Checkout: Upsell Product (Single) Page and UATR Upsell: Missing Product Attributes (Single) Page templates. These templates are automatically created using your current template versions, when the module is initially installed. Attributes can also be displayed on other product related pages. This gives you master control over the look and feel of your product attributes.
The ADS Attribute Master Module Features:
- Simple Module Installation and Configuration
- Automatic installation and assignment of PROD, PATR, OUS1 and UATR pages with required item.
- Automatic installation and assignment of revised Product Display Layout, Missing Product Attributes, Checkout: Upsell Product (Single) and Upsell: Missing Product Attributes (Single) templates. Current version history templates are used to generate revised templates. Previous template versions will be available through version history.
- Menu-driven control of new features. No template editing is required, but is available for advanced users. HTML and template scripting knowledge is required to make template modifications. If you do not have these skills it is recommended you contact ADS representative to get assistance with template design and customization.
- Radio Button Control Features:
- Extra Tag Attributes
- Attribute Image/Prompt Location
- Attribute Image/Prompt Style Wrapper using provided token
- Options Image/Label Location
- Option Image/Label Style Wrapper using provided tokens
- Display Option Price Adder when applicable
- Table/Style Attributes
- Number of Option Columns
- Drop-Down List Control Features
- Adds <Select One> at the top of the list
- Extra Tag Attributes
- Image/Prompt Location
- Display Option Price Adder when applicable
- Image/Prompt Style Wrapper using provided token
- Checkbox Control Features
- Extra Tag Attributes
- Image/Prompt Location
- Image/Prompt Style Wrapper using provided tokens
- Display Attribute Price Adder when applicable
- Text Field Control Features
- Size Attribute
- Extra Tag Attributes
- Image/Prompt Location
- Image/Prompt Style Wrapper using provided token
- Display Attribute Price Adder when applicable
- Text Area Field Control Features
- Cols Attribute
- Rows Attribute
- Extra Tag Attributes
- Image/Prompt Location
- Image/Prompt Style Wrapper using provided token
- Display Attribute Price Adder when applicable

Module installation and functionality has the following requirements:
- MIVA Merchant Version 5.0
- Settings and control this module provides are used in conjunction with Item "ads-attrmaster", Product Display Layout, Missing Attributes PATR Page, OUS1 Checkout: Upsell Product (Single) Page and UATR Upsell: Missing Product Attributes (Single) Page templates that are pre-installed and configuredwith this module.
- Original templates and/or Merchant "Original" templates will not be modified by this module and can be restored, using the new Version history features, at any time.
- No template editing is required, but is available for advanced users. HTML and template scripting knowledge is required to make template modifications. If you do not have these skills it is recommended you contact ADS representative to get assistance with template design and customization.