External File Pro v5+
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MSRP: $99.95
Regular Price: $79.95
Sale Price: $71.95
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Description and Features
you can have ultimate control
of Merchant functionality
by seamlessly integrating
external files and scripts
into any of MIVA Merchant
pages, evaluating MivaScript expressions and built-in functions, and assigning variables at run-time, right from your templates. This module provides
store administrators and
developers an ability
to insert and manage content
and/or execute scripts
outside the Merchant system, and use built-in MivaScript functions to create and modify content.
You can even insert content
from another server or
domain connected to the
internet. The module provides
a way to insert/execute
files in various ways;
by inserting a content
file(HTML or TEXT)) located
in a script or data directories,
executing a compiled MIVA
Script(.mvc) file directly
or with a required function,
and calling a file or
script located on the
same server or another
server. If you are familiar
with MIVA Scripting language,
this module gives you
an ability to access and
control Merchant arrays,
global and local variables,
data files, etc., without
creating a custom component
module. Just plug-in your
Item Call to a file into
any Merchant Template
and customize the execution
inside your file. Checkout Great New Features available in v5.02.
ADS External File Pro
Module Features:
- Module
automatically creates
and configures the
necessary item, when
- Smart
Item monitoring provides
quick access to Pages
where the Item is
- You can insert an
appropriate Render
Token in any page
related template(s)
to utilize module
- Render Tokens can
be used in Page Templates,
Product List Layouts,
Messages, Headers,
Footers, etc..
- Module includes twelve Render Tokens in order to provide various methods for embedding and/or executing the external files, scripts and built-in MivaScript functions. Depending on a type of Token, additional information such as Parameters may also be included.
- "readscript"
Token provides
a way to read
and render
an external
file located
in the script
on the same
server as
Merchant installation.
The inserted
file may contain
content, but
does not have
to use a specific
file extension.
- "readdata"
Token provides
a way to read
and render
an external
file located
in the data
on the same
server as
Merchant installation.
Since an external
file is located
in the Data
it would normally
not be accessible
by the public.
You can use
this functionality
to display
content not
directly available.
You can also
use this feature
with Merchant
Groups to
insert specific
content only
to that Availability
Group members.The
inserted file
may contain
content, but
does not have
to use a specific
file extension.
- "run"
Token provides
a way to execute
an external,
MIVA Script
file (.mvc)
located in
the script
on the same
server as
Merchant installation.
There are
no Function
in this method
and only Global
Merchant variables
will be available.
- "function"
Token provides
a way to execute
an external,
file (.mvc)
located in
the script
on the same
server as
Merchant installation.
A Specific
Function with
is used. Merchant
Global, All_Settings,
Module, Item
and passed
will be available
to this function.
An uncomiled
MIVA Script
file containing
example Function
is included
with Module
This function
also contains
an example
script which
can be used
on Category
and Product
- "call"
Token provides
a way to call(read/execute)
and render
an external
file located
on any server,
through an
HTTP call.
You can also
use this functionality
to execute
external script
files. These
files can
Perl, JAVA,
CFM, etc..
- New in v5.02 - Expanded External File functionality with new MivaScript Parameter Functions(MvASSIGN & MvEVAL). These functions provide an ability to pass variables directly to external files, render external files based on Merchant variables, and evaluate or assign new variables, from any template, using built-in MivaScript functions, at template run time. This can be very useful in rendering external files based on merchant variables, creating short titles or descriptions, checking for existence of an image on the server, or making a quick discount calculation, all by executing built-in MivaScript functions at run time, right from the template. This is done by passing Merchant variables, by reference, and executing MivaScript expressions and build-in functions.
- "mvreadscript" Token provides a way to read and render an external file located in the script directory on the same server as Merchant installation. File path can contain available Merchant variables, MivaScript expressions and built-in functions.
- "mvreaddata" Token provides a way to read and render an external file located in the data directory on the same server as Merchant installation. File path can contain available Merchant variables, MivaScript expressions and built-in functions. Since an external file is located in the Data directory, it would normally not be accessible by the public. You can use this functionality to display content not directly available. You can also use this feature with Merchant Availability Groups to insert specific content only available to customers in that Availability Group.
- "mvrun" Token provides a way to execute an external, compiled, Miva Script file, named by the Product Code, located in the script directory on the same server as Merchant installation. File path can contain available Merchant variables, MivaScript expressions and built-in functions. No specific Function requirements. Only Global Merchant variables will be available.
- "mvfunction" Token provides a way to execute an external, compiled, Miva Script file located in the script directory on the same server as Merchant installation. File path can contain available Merchant variables, MivaScript expressions and built-in functions. A Specific Function with parameters is required. Merchant Global, All_Settings, Settings, Module, Item and additional Parameter variables will be available to this function.
- "mvcall" Token provides a way to call(read/execute) and render an external file located on any server, accessible through an HTTP call. You can also use this functionality to execute external script files and pass parameters. These files can be MIVA, PHP, ASP, Perl, JAVA, CFM, etc.. The called file path can use Merchant variables, MivaScript expressions and built-in functions
- "mvassign" Token provides a way to assign and use new variables at run-time right from your template. The variable assignment can utilize MivaScript expressions and built-in functions. Variable values can then be used as SMT entities for display or in the IF statements and FOR loops.
- "mveval" Token provides a way to evaluate MivaScript expressions and built-in functions at run-time right from your template. It works just like the mvassign token, except the expression result is rendered, not assigned to a variable.
NOTE: Caution should be taken in using MivaScript parameter Functions, since they allow you to directly create and modify Merchant Variables, Arrays, and Execute Built-In functions, right from the template, at run time.
Please Contact
Us with any questions
about module features.
installation and functionality
has the following requirements:
Merchant Version 5.0
and control this module
provides are used
in conjunction with
a pre-installed "ads-extfile"
Item, any Merchant
related templates
and an external customer
supplied file.
MIVA Script Compiler
is required to create
and use executable
MIVA Script files(.mvc).
The compiler is available
for a free download
from MIVA.
and Merchant template
scripting knowledge
is required to make
template modifications.
MIVA or other Scripting
language knowledge
is required to create
executable files.
If you do not have
these skills it is
recommended you contact
ADS representative to get assistance
with template design
and customization.