Word of mouth referral rates
are rising... Give your visitors an ability to refer your Site or Specific
Products to their friends, colleagues or loved ones. Visitors can provide up
to three email addresses and their own message, which will be included in
the Email. This module automatically installs and configures default Tell
a Friend Page and Email templates, which can be further customized to meet
your needs. The HTML Email is sent using Merchant Mail Server and Module Configuration
settings. You can use template Headers/Footers to provide additional content
information for your Tell a Friend page or edit the page and email templates
to suit your needs.
The ADS Tell a Friend
Module Features:
- Simple Module Installation,
Configuration and Controls
- Automatic installation
and assignment of a new Tell a Friend Page template, HTML Email template,
and the required item.
- Module is pre-configured
to send either the Store Front Page or the Product Page in an HTML email.
- Provides controls for
Email Subject, From Email Address and CC.
- Validates Customer
provided email and message information by requiring the fields.
- Customize an Email
sent by organizing how the information appears in the email.
- Insert the links to
your new Tell a Friend page anywhere by using MIVA Merchant product page,
navigation bar, category tree, static pages, etc...
- Menu and Template based
control of new features. No template editing required, but is available
for advanced users. HTML and template scripting knowledge is required
to make template modifications. If you do not have these skills it is
recommended you contact
ADS representative to get assistance with template design and customization.
Sample snap
shot of a Product and Tell a Friend Pages: 
Module installation and
functionality has the following requirements:
- MIVA Merchant Version
- Settings and control
this module provides are used in conjunction with a New Contact Page and
Templates that are pre-installed with this module.
- No template editing
is required, but is available for advanced users. HTML and template scripting
knowledge is required to make template modifications. If you do not have
these skills it is recommended you contact
ADS representative to get assistance with template design and customization.