Advanced Development Solutions(ADS) stands for the latest in web technology and strategy. We capture the essence of the Internet and deliver end results that target your exact needs. Whether you want to market your goods online, service your clients or just want to increase your presence and name recognition, we can provide you service and results beyond your expectations. Our company founder Henry D. Melamed, started the company in 1998, and brings over 20 years of Internet and technology related experience. His vision of staying on the leading edge of technological developments and customer focus, has been the driving force behind our company. (See what our clients have to say - click here)
ADS is a company uniquely built in structure and vision. We assess the needs of each new project on a case-by-case basis. Once evaluated, we draw talent from a pool of designers, marketers, and programmers. Then, each project team is individually chosen to meet the project's needs. Specialists are used because it enables the client to have a very flexible, custom-tailored team. By tailoring each team to the project at hand, several benefits can be achieved. Among them are: first-rate modern design and implementation, a unique appearance for each project, and creative solutions to even the most unusual tasks.
Since 1998, ADS has developed web and media design projects for customers worldwide. Each development opportunity can create other opportunities. Such is the case with MIVA Merchant. We specialize in customizing MIVA Merchant and creating custom MIVA applications. We helped launch hundreds of sites over the years and are very familiar with the lattest Merchant v5 and Store Morph Technology, and were a part of the v5 Beta test team. We have also developed numerous publicly available MIVA Merchant Modules, as well as developed custom modules and solutions. Contact us to get more information or request a quote.
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